Two Blue-eyed Kids

  Hey! I babysit these two cute children named Abigale and Gideon. They are so much fun! I babysit them every Thursday, unless their busy with other things. Their mother just had a baby a few weeks ago, so sometimes they have family visiting. Their eyes may not seem blue in some pictures, but they are. :)
 Also, Colton has a new pet! Can you guess what it is? It's a baby Garden snake! :D He keeps it with his gecko...which may not work, because they don't seem to like each other that much. I'm not sure what Colton has named the little guy yet though. But when I held him this morning, Colton said, "He has had his first pressure!" :D As in, he has already wrapped around Colton's finger and starting squeezing some.

They look innocent, don't they? Well, their not! ;D
God Bless!


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